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Bless My Heart is a simple formula of hawthorn berry to help support the heart and blood circulation.
The heart is the main engine of the body. The Creator designed the heart to function much longer (provided the proper nutrition) than it currently does, on average. Hawthorn berries are a special food for the heart that provides necessary anti-oxidants and nutrients to help the heart perform its vital functions.
When using Bless My Heart, it is suggested to repeat the words, “Bless My Heart” each time as a form of prayer so that the words we speak can manifest into reality and bring blessings to us (Proverbs 18:21).
It is not suggested to use Bless My Heart if you are on any medications for high blood pressure or blood thinners.
Ingredients: Hawthorn berry, distilled water, vegetable glycerin.
Instructions: Take 1 dropper full 2-3x per day.